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Heal Your Body, Mind and Soul with CHCP

Classical Homoeopathy, Counselling, Dietary Advice & Psych-K treatment

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann

Classical Homoeopathy

Individualisation: Treats each person as a unique individual with their own symptoms and characteristics, rather than just focusing on the disease.
Law of Similars: Using substances that once potentised can cause symptoms in a healthy person, can be used to treat similar symptoms in a sick person.
Single Remedy: Prescribing one single remedy at a time, based on the totality of symptoms, rather than multiple remedies.
Minimum Dose: Administering the smallest possible dose to stimulate the body's healing response without causing side effects.
Totality of symptoms: Treating the whole person - physically, mentally, and emotionally - to restore balance and promote overall well-being.
Potentisation: Diluting and succussing (shaking) substances to increase their healing properties and minimize toxicity.
The Stronger Similar: in order that the vital force is prompted to the sufficient level, so that the cure is permanent.

These elements are fundamental to the practice of classical Homoeopathy and are essential for understanding and applying this healing modality effectively.

Homoeopathy aims to stimulate the body's self-healing mechanism through the Law of Similars. By administering a highly diluted substance that mimics the symptoms a person is experiencing, Homoeopathy triggers a response in the body's vital force or energy.

The vital force is the body's innate healing power, responsible for maintaining balance and health. When a Homoeopathic remedy is prescribed based on the Law of Similars, it is thought to resonate with the individual's vital force, prompting it to recognize and address the symptoms presented.

The highly diluted nature of Homoeopathic remedies is crucial to this process. Through a series of potentisation steps involving dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking), the substance is believed to retain its energetic imprint while minimizing any potential toxicity. This allows the remedy to stimulate the vital force without overwhelming the body or causing side effects.

By targeting the underlying imbalance or disturbance in the vital force, Homoeopathy seeks to support the body's natural healing mechanisms, encouraging a holistic response that addresses the root cause of symptoms. This approach aligns with the principle of treating the individual as a whole and promoting overall well-being beyond just symptom relief.



Potentisation Scale: Homoeopathic remedies are labelled with potency scales that indicate the number of dilution and succussion steps performed. Common potency scales include X (decimal), C (centesimal), and LM (fifty-millesimal).

Your Homoeopath selects the appropriate potency of the remedy based on the individual's symptoms, constitution, and level of health.

Administration: Once the desired potency has been selected, it is administered to the individual in a specific dosage and frequency based on the principles of Homoeopathy.

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Natural Healing for Your Body, Mind and Soul

If you need to talk you can always call on 07367 588 510
We are available between Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

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