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Heal Your Body, Mind and Soul with CHCP

Classical Homoeopathy, Counselling, Dietary Advice & Psych-K treatment

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann

Psych-K is a form of therapy that combines various principles and techniques from neuroscience, psychology, and kinesiology to help individuals change limiting beliefs at a subconscious level. It is designed to help rewire the brain to create new, positive beliefs and behaviour’s, ultimately leading to personal growth and transformation.


Psych-K Treatment

It aims to help individuals change limiting beliefs by utilizing techniques that communicate directly with the subconscious mind. Through processes such as muscle testing and specific protocols, Psych-K helps identify and transform negative beliefs into positive ones. By accessing the subconscious mind and reprogramming it with empowering beliefs, individuals can experience a shift in their mindset, behaviour, and overall well-being.

Psych-K helps identify and transform negative beliefs into positive ones through a process called "balancing." During a Psych-K session, the individual and the facilitator work together to identify specific negative beliefs or patterns that are holding them back. Through muscle testing, these beliefs are confirmed, and then specific protocols are used to reframe and replace them with positive affirmations or beliefs. This process helps the subconscious mind integrate and accept new empowering beliefs, leading to a shift in mindset and behaviour towards more positive outcomes.

Standing on the seashore
Standing on the seashore

Muscle testing is a technique used in Psych-K to access the subconscious mind and communicate with it. By applying gentle pressure to specific muscles while stating beliefs or affirmations, the facilitator can observe the body's response.

Muscle testing primarily serves as a tool to communicate with the subconscious mind rather than the conscious mind. The subtle muscle responses observed during muscle testing are believed to reflect the subconscious reactions to specific statements or beliefs. While the conscious mind is more analytical and rational, the subconscious mind stores deeper beliefs, emotions, and memories that may not be readily accessible through conscious awareness. Muscle testing helps bridge the gap between the conscious and subconscious realms, allowing insights into underlying beliefs and patterns that influence behaviour and decision-making. It is an effective way to tap into the wisdom of the subconscious mind and facilitate positive changes through techniques like Psych-K.

If there is a weak or inhibited muscle response, it may indicate a negative or limiting belief held in the subconscious mind. This process helps in identifying hidden beliefs that may be contributing to negative patterns or behaviours. Muscle testing serves as a valuable tool in pinpointing specific beliefs that need to be addressed and transformed during the Psych-K balancing process.

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Natural Healing for Your Body, Mind and Soul

If you need to talk you can always call on 07367 588 510
We are available between Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

For all other inquiries please use the form below.